donderdag 10 april 2014

Vanilla Lavender Banana Nice Cream

My first guest blog made by Terri Green from The Banana Chronicles!
Ever since I came across her account on instagram I've been obsessed with her pictures and recipes, they are amazing! I really recommend following her on instagram, you won't be disappointed.

I recently did a guest post for her and I really enjoyed doing this. (check her blog for the post!) I felt really honored to be honest and when she agreed to do one for me I was even more excited! Her banana nice creams are the best so she made a really special recipe just for me!! Did I already say I feel honored? (:

So enough talking, check out the recipe:

My first guest post! I’m so excited to be doing it for someone so sweet! I found Ninian on instagram and fell in love with her bowls and beautiful creations, so to be doing blog post swaps is so fun and exciting to me! A touch about myself, I’m 25 and I live in sunny California. My friends have been asking me for years to make a blog and finally I have found the right time in my life to do it. I basically want to provide a space where people can get information on how to be healthy and learn how easy it is! I like to post simple and easy to do recipes that are common in a vegan and non-vegan home, that way every one has the opportunity to make a healthy and tasty meal. So far so good! I have a lot of non-vegans trying the recipes and seeing how easy it is and actually loving it!
When Ninian asked for a recipe she wanted me to create a nice cream! I made a beautiful lavender vanilla banana nice cream. Lavender kept popping in my mind over the past few weeks and paired with vanilla makes a really lovely combination. Lavender is a member of the mint family but gives you a more floral earthy flavor.

Lavender Vanilla Banana Nice Cream

4 frozen bananas
1 tbsp maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 ½ teaspon of lavender buds
4 tbsp of water

Blend all ingredients together. If not using a high-powered blender add ingredients slowly and more water.
Making your ice cream is so simple, all you need is frozen fruit and your imagination. The beauty of it is that you have control over what you put inside so you can make it tasty yet healthy. 

I thank Ninian for this opportunity and look forward to working with her again in the future. Check me out on instagram (@terrihgreen) and check out my blog (

Laters xx

zondag 6 april 2014

Zasta with a Coriander Pesto & Avocado Sauce

Dit recept is echt hemels! Normaal gesproken schep ik nooit zo erg op over mijn creaties, maar bij dit gerecht is het echt even nodig. Niks mis mee toch, om af en toe eventjes super trots op jezelf te zijn.

Als je van avocado en verse koriander houdt, en dat gecombineerd in een heerlijk, romig en bijna naar guacemole smakende saus, dan is dit je toekomstige favoriete maaltijd. Het barst van de smaak en het is de perfecte maaltijd als je zin hebt in iets lekker decadents.

Volgens mij heb ik wel genoeg gezegd, nu zul je het voor jezelf moeten ontdekken door dit super gezonde en heerlijke bord courgette pasta te maken, of zoals ik het noem: Zasta! (Zucchini pasta) In het nederlands ook wel courgetti.

Zasta met een Koriander Pesto & Avocado Saus

Dit gerecht kan ook compleet rauw worden gegeten.


Voor 1 persoon

- 1/2 grote courgette
- 1/2 avocado
- kleine handvol koriander
- 1 teentje knoflook
- 1 bos uitje
- scheutje limoen sap
- 1 el olijfolie
- 3 el water
- snufje chili poeder
- snufje komijn
- 2 el koriander pesto (vind mijn recept hier)
- 1 el pijnboom pitten
- 1 el zonnebloem pitten
- 1 el granaatappel pitjes
- wat extra fijngesneden koriander bij het serveren


- Maak noodles van de courgette met een spiraalsnijder en zet dit aan de kant.
- mix met een staafmixer, de avocado, knoflook, bosui, komijn, chili poeder, limoen sap, olijf olie, water en koriander tot een saus.
- Breng het geheel op smaak met zee of Himalaya zout en peper.
- Schep de pesto en de avocado sauce in een pannetje en roer het op laag vuur door elkaar totdat de saus warm is.
- voeg de courgette noodles toe en roer tot alles goed is bedekt.
- Verwarm dit nog enkele minuten op laag vuur, maar laat het niet koken.
- rooster de pitjes in een droge pan.
- Schep de 'pasta' in een grote kom of op een pasta bord en serveer dit met de geroosterde pitjes, granaatappel pitjes en verse koriander.


------------------------- English -------------------------

This recipe is out of this world! I normally don't brag about my creations, but this dish is just too delicious not to. Nothing wrong with being super proud of yourself right?

If you love avocado and fresh coriander, and then combined in a delicious, creamy, almost tasting like guacamole kind of way, then this is your next favorite meal. It is bursting with flavor and tastes like the best comfort food in the world.

I think I said enough, you just have to find it out by yourself by making this super healthy and yummy bowl of zucchini pasta, or how I call it: Zasta!

Zasta with a Coriander Pesto & Avocado Sauce

This dish can also be eaten fully raw.


Serves 1 person

- 1/2 big zucchini
- 1/2 avocado
- small handful of coriander
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1 spring onion
- squeeze of lime
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 3 tbsp water
- sprinkle of chill powder
- sprinkle of cumin
- 2 tbsp of coriander pesto (find my recipe here)
- 1 tbsp sunflower seeds
- 1 tbsp pine nuts
- 1 tbsp pomegranate arils
- some extra chopped up coriander for serving


- Spiralize the zucchini and set aside.
- Mix with a hand held blender, the avocado, garlic, spring onion, lime juice, coriander, chili powder, cumin, olive oil and water until a sauce is formed.
- Bring this to taste with some sea salt or himalayan salt and fresh cracked pepper.
- In a small pan, combine the pesto and the avocado sauce and heat this up for a little.
- When the sauce is warm, add in the zucchini pasta and stir until all the pasta is coated.
- While stirring, heat the pasta until it is warm, but don't let it cook.
- Dry roast the pine nuts and sunflower seeds.
- Serve the pasta in a large bowl and top with the pine nuts, sunflower seeds, pomegranate arils and some finely chopped coriander.
